Jesus came to offer Hope and Love to a lost and hurting world. We, as Christians, seek to offer that same Hope and Love to a hurting world around us today. So many children and families in our area are in need both physically and spiritually. Vision Productions, Inc. Billy Wayne Ministries has sought to meet some of the needs of the underprivileged and "at-risk" children right here at home. Billy Wayne, founder of Vision Productions, Inc. grew up in an alcoholic, abusive home, yet was once shown Christ's Hope and Love from a local church body who cared enough to invest in his life. In turn, he has grown to understand the place many of these students come from and has determined to also share that same Hope and Love he found in Jesus.
The H.A.L.O. program seeks to reach out to the underprivileged and "at-risk" children by providing many physical needs, as well as introducing them to a Savior who can reach beyond those physical needs to their heart.
A H.A.L.O. Sponsorship is a mere $30 a month to sponsor one child for a year. This allows us to minister to them in several ways. Your $30 a month provides a child with the following:
I.A. (“I’m Accepted”) Summer Camp Tuition
One week of summer camp Worship & Teaching Sessions Discipleship and Fun
Kids Explosion Carnival/Concert Backpacks School Supplies Shoes
Comfort and Joy Christmas Party Christmas party for sponsored child and his/her family Christmas presents for sponsored child and his/her siblings Food box with Christmas dinner for sponsored child and his/her family
We ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a H.A.L.O. Sponsor today so that you too can invest in a life and help share Hope and Love to these hurting students and their families. For more information, contact Vision Productions at (423) 245-1551.